Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Editing Techniques

This is a link to the ending of a film which I think is a perfect example of good editing. It has elements of continunituiy editing because it all makes sense in the order it has been put it. It also uses jump cuts in the way in which it flashbacks to what happened before. Obviously it also uses flashbacks. The main one used here is Montage Editing because it keeps flashing back to what has happened before to help the audience and the character realise what has been gonig on and in some respect it makes the story what it is, and helps put the missing peices into place. This has been used to also create a sense of confusion for both the character and the audience whoa re watching. It also helps um remeber small thigns which have happened, because when you do find out something big and important you are quite often in shock and many images cross your mind quickly and in a short peice of time.

How does the editing in Saw construct the meaning about the relationship between characters?

I think that the editing in this last section of the films clarifies everything that has happened in the film so far. It shows the relationships between each character. The other guy in the room, his wife and child, the man lying in the room.

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