Thursday, 12 November 2009


On average 50% of a film's budget is spent on advertising to promote the film.

Merchandise is things like T Shirts, posters and cups. It could also be things like toys that you buy in a shop, quilt cover's and anything that is personlised to that film.

Viral Marketing is basically word of mouth. Somebody could read something on a website, tell their friend, and that person tells someone, until alot of people are talking about it.

Synergy Marketing is when you use the success of another existing company to promote your own. For example the 2009 film 'Up' used the success of McDonalds to advertise their film.

Product Placement is when companies are promoted through the use of a film, for example Aston Martin uses James Bond to promote themselves.

Bridget Jones' Diary (2001)
The film company produced a soundtrack for the movie, using Product Placement.
They produced calendars as merchandise to help more promotion with the film.
Below is a trailer that they used for advertising and marketing.

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